"She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue."
-Proverbs 31:26

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Just a cotton ball

Today is an amazing day! Nothing out of the ordinary is going on- it's just my attitude. The house is quiet, the kids are being kind to each other and diligent with their studies. I'm plugging away with hope after a night of only four hours of sleep. I trust the Lord will carry me through this day with supernatural patience. More amazing miracles have happened.  Right?

This morning I was meditating on the scriptures and I thought for a moment, "I know all of this- I've been reading the Bible my whole life and I choose every day to walk with Christ.  What more is there to learn and when am I going to learn something new here?" I guess you could say, I had the passing thought that I knew and understood it all. Now that I think about it and wrote it down, it sounds a little disconcerting to me. Especially since I have really been working on humility. What is my problem and when will I get it? I know nothing. I have so much to learn about who I am as a woman who desires God. He is so complex that I look like a cotton ball to him. The Lord really has his hands full with me.

I remember a few years ago, I felt a little like I was falling out of love with God's Word and for a moment this morning, I started to feel like that again and it scared me. With how spiritually deceptive these times are, I need to be reading more, meditating deeper, researching harder and most importantly, understanding it and applying it to my life. I have a huge task at hand with these five little people God has entrusted me to. I want for them to grow up and have a deep and passionate love for Scripture. It brings tears to my eyes to think that the Lord gave these people to me to teach, comfort, love, protect and nurture. Wow. I am one thankful and humbled woman right now. Thank you LORD God.