"She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue."
-Proverbs 31:26

Monday, October 26, 2009

Wrapped Up

  • Let God's Word be upon your heart.
  • Have it be your goal to pass on a love for the Word to the next generation.
  • Strive to live your life in accordance with the Word.
  • Try to allow the Word to shape you and your speech.
  • Surround yourself with people who are also seeking to live according to the Word.

More than anything, this is just a good reminder for me.  I get so wrapped up in reading anything and everything other than the Scriptures.  I have been addicted to reading self-help books, diet books, books on anxiety, mothering, home education, health education, depression, blogs, blogs, blogs!  Blogs of all shapes and sizes with so much priceless information.  Everyone has so much to offer, I just can't get enough of all of your great and inspiring Blogs. 

Finally, my husband gave me a gentle reminder:
the Bible is where it's at, honey!

"I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.
 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
 Praise be to you, O LORD;  teach me your decrees."

Psalm 119:10-12




Thursday, October 22, 2009

Just a cotton ball

Today is an amazing day! Nothing out of the ordinary is going on- it's just my attitude. The house is quiet, the kids are being kind to each other and diligent with their studies. I'm plugging away with hope after a night of only four hours of sleep. I trust the Lord will carry me through this day with supernatural patience. More amazing miracles have happened.  Right?

This morning I was meditating on the scriptures and I thought for a moment, "I know all of this- I've been reading the Bible my whole life and I choose every day to walk with Christ.  What more is there to learn and when am I going to learn something new here?" I guess you could say, I had the passing thought that I knew and understood it all. Now that I think about it and wrote it down, it sounds a little disconcerting to me. Especially since I have really been working on humility. What is my problem and when will I get it? I know nothing. I have so much to learn about who I am as a woman who desires God. He is so complex that I look like a cotton ball to him. The Lord really has his hands full with me.

I remember a few years ago, I felt a little like I was falling out of love with God's Word and for a moment this morning, I started to feel like that again and it scared me. With how spiritually deceptive these times are, I need to be reading more, meditating deeper, researching harder and most importantly, understanding it and applying it to my life. I have a huge task at hand with these five little people God has entrusted me to. I want for them to grow up and have a deep and passionate love for Scripture. It brings tears to my eyes to think that the Lord gave these people to me to teach, comfort, love, protect and nurture. Wow. I am one thankful and humbled woman right now. Thank you LORD God.

Friday, October 16, 2009

-Getting bloggy over all of your blogs-

I won't be posting a ton here because that would mean I wasn't spending quality time with my children.  We all know that would not be a good thing.  I'm going to give up something in order to be able to spend a little time reading some of your GREAT blogs.  I love love love blog reading.  It's my new favorite passtime.  Thanks so much for all of the wonderful entertainment!

"...You shall love your neighbor as yourself..."
Matthew 22:39

Love you-

Just starting out-

I'm just starting to blog and am trying to get all set up.  Who knew this could all be so much fun.  More to come.  God Bless.